Video/Iframe/Gallery/Inline Content Lightbox Library – Tobii
Tobii is a feature-rich, responsive, accessible, mobile-friendly lightbox library that makes it possible to display any content type in a modal popup.
Tobii is a feature-rich, responsive, accessible, mobile-friendly lightbox library that makes it possible to display any content type in a modal popup.
A lightweight yet powerful and customizable JavaScript popup library for creating stunning modals & lightboxes on your website.
A modern, responsive, mobile-friendly, high-performance gallery lightbox built using plain HTML/JavaScript/CSS/CSS3.
lightGallery.js is a JavaScript lightbox gallery library which enables you to present various types of medias in a fullscreen, CSS3 animated gallery popup.
A lightweight galley lightbox JavaScript plugin that allows you to create image galleries with a lightbox overlay.
fslightbox is an easy, responsive, modern, fullscreen, touch-enabled lightbox for images, galleries, HTML5/Youtube videos, and custom HTML elements.
Add beautiful lightbox functionality to your galleries with MC Lightbox. Lightweight & SEO-friendly.