What Is Tree View?
A tree view or a tree structure is a UI component that provides a hierarchical view of your complex data structures.
Some items (we’ve called nodes) in a tree view may have a number of subitems, and the user can expand & collapse them by clicking on the parent node.
What Can Tree View Be Used For?
A tree view can be used to present any hierarchical data such as nested lists, multi-level menus, and folder data.
The Best Tree View Components
Here is a list of the 10 best and free Tree View generators built using Vanilla JavaScript. Feel free to download and use them in the next project where you want to present the data in a hierarchical tree structure. Enjoy.
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2025
1. Dynamic Tree View With Checkboxes – Treejs
A lightweight tree view plugin that displays hierarchical data in a collapsible, selectable tree structure with checkboxes.
2. Simple Folder Tree With JSON And JavaScript – tree.js
A simple, flexible tree library which dynamically renders a tree view of a directory/folder from hierarchical JSON data you provide.
3. Full Featued File/Folder Tree In Pure JavaScript – TreeJS
A simple, fast, standalone JavaScript library to dynamically render a folder tree that behaviors like the Windows’ File Browser.

4. Collapsible Sortable Toggleable Data Tree In JavaScript – Pickle Tree
A JavaScript tree view plugin to render a collapsible, sortable (draggable) multi-level tree view from hierarchical data, with iOS-style switches that allow the user to toggle on/off the nodes.
5. Interactive and Accessible Tree View JS Library – bs-treeview
It utilizes Bootstrap styling and Font Awesome icons to render a highly customizable and accessible tree view component, which can be useful in displaying hierarchical data in your web app.
6. Create A Simple Tree View Using Vanilla JavaScript – js-treeview
A minimal Javascript library used to create an expandable/collapsible tree view (fold structure) from an object array.
7. Pure Javascript TreeView Component – aimaraJS
a robust and effective JavaScript library for rendering an editable, expandable, collapsible tree structure that features custom events, context menu and node icons.

8. Simple Tree View Component In Vanilla JavaScript
A simple vanilla JavaScript tree view component that can be used to visualize any hierarchical data like files and folders.
9. Create Multi-Level Selection Tree With JS Field Picker
The JS Field Picker library helps developers render interactive, collapsible tree structures with selectable nodes from JavaScript array data.
10. Hierarchical Tree With Radio Buttons – ninotree
A super tiny JavaScript treeview UI library that dynamically renders a hierarchical tree from JavaScript arrays & objects.
More Resources About Tree View:
View our Tree View section for more JavaScrilt & CSS implementations of the tree view. And here are a few resources about tree view you might find useful: