Easy Customization Of HTML Select Boxes – nice-select2
A pretty nice select box replacement library which converts the regular select element into an animated, customizable, searchable dropdown list.
A pretty nice select box replacement library which converts the regular select element into an animated, customizable, searchable dropdown list.
A small and customizable input mask component for Vanilla JavaScript, Vue 2/3, Alpine.js, and Svelte.
tail.select is a rewritten version of the jQuery tail.select plugin that can be used to beautify & enhance the default select box with no dependency.
Enchanter is a simple form wizard plugin for Bootstrap 5 that lets you convert an HTML form into a step-by-step wizard interface.
Securely mask sensitive inputs with the lightweight masked-password library. Prevents password manager storage while protecting data privacy.
An ultra-lightweight input masking library for web developers. Enhance form UX with automatic validation and formatting.
Implement convenient file uploads with Upload Zone. This JavaScript library supports drag’n’drop, single/multiple files, progress tracking, and more.
filepond is a JavaScript file upload plugin which helps you create elegant, flexible, customizable, drag-and-drop file input on the web page.
SlashUploader is a simple, flexible, cross-browser, highly customizable file uploader written in pure JavaScript.