Here is a constantly updated list of the 10 Best Free JavaScript libraries to create the familiar Parallax Scrolling Effect on elements (e.g. images, backgrounds, videos, text, etc) as you scroll down or up the web page.
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Originally Published Dec 04 2018, updated Jan 10 2025
1. Awesome Scroll Effects In JavaScript – lax.js
A lightweight vanilla JavaScript library that provides 20+ awesome animations for elements when scrolling down and up.
2. locomotive-scroll
locomotive-scroll is a modern JS library that applies a smooth, subtle, configurable parallax scroll effect to elements when scrolled into view.
3. Lightweight Vanilla Javascript Parallax Library – rellax
rellax is a small vanilla JavaScript library which provides a smooth parallax scrolling effect on any DOM elements.

4. Parallax Scrolling Library For Mobile & Desktop – basicScroll
A lightweight, powerful, high-performance parallax scrolling JavaScript library designed for both mobile and desktop.
5. Image Parallax Scroll Effect JavaScript Library – SimpleParallax
A simple, lightweight JavaScript parallax solution applies a subtle Parallax Scroll Effect to any images in your React or Vanilla JavaScript applications.
6. Image Parallax Effect While Scrolling – parallax-image.js
A lightweight JavaScript library that creates an illusion of depth in 2D images by making it scroll slower than the webpage background while the user scrolls down the page.
7. Mobile-friendly Smooth Parallax Scroll Plugin – Universal Parallax
A small JavaScript plugin to implement the smooth, mobile-friendly parallax scrolling effect on your web app.

8. Smooth Responsive Parallax Scrolling Library For The Web – Parallax-Scroller
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating smooth, responsive parallax scrolling effects on web pages.
9. Minimal Horizontal/Vertical Parallax Scrolling Library – miniparallax.js
A super tiny (~1kb minified), blazing-fast, and customizable parallax library that supports both horizontal and vertical parallax scrolling effects.
10. Momentum & Parallax Scrolling Library With Vanilla JavaScript – slickscroll.js
A lightweight, configurable, open-source Momentum & Parallax Scrolling JavaScript library without third-party dependencies.
Looking for more JavaScript libraries for parallax scroll effects? Don’t forget to check out the Parallax section.
If you’re a jQuery user, here is a list of 10 best jQuery parallax scroll plugins created for you. Enjoy.