Author: | robertbossaert |
Views Total: | 5,099 views |
Official Page: | Go to website |
Last Update: | December 2, 2018 |
License: | MIT |

A lightweight Vanilla JS marquee library which infinitely scrolls through web content in RTL or LTR direction.
Ideal for stock ticker, text slider, breaking news scroller, etc.
How to use it:
Download and insert the marquee.js library into the html file.
<script src="marquee.js"></script>
Create a new Marquee instance and specify the target content to scroll through.
<div id="example"> Your Content Here </div>
new Marquee('example');
Set the direction to RTL.
new Marquee('example', { direction: 'rtl' });
Config the animation speed.
new Marquee('example', { speed: 1 // default: .5 });
Set the delay in milliseconds.
new Marquee('example', { // pause between loops delayAfter: 1000, // when to start delayBefore: 0 });
Enable/disable infinite scroll.
new Marquee('example', { loops: -1 });
Decide whether to scroll only once.
new Marquee('example', { continuous: true });
Customize the appearance.
new Marquee('example', { bgcolor: '#000', textcolor: '#fff', opacity: 1 });
Would be useful it had a pause on hover