Author: | m-thalmann |
Views Total: | 2,502 views |
Official Page: | Go to website |
Last Update: | March 1, 2021 |
License: | MIT |

WindowJS is a standalone JavaScript library to create responsive, fully customizable dialog windows with resize/move/maximize/minimize capabilities.
How to use it:
Load the minified version of the WindowJS’ files in the HTML page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="window.css"> <script src="window.js"></script>
Create a new dialog window instance.
const win = new Window("Dialog Title", { // options here });
Insert content to the dialog window.
win.content.innerHTML = '<p>Dialog Window Here</p>';
Assign a unique ID to the dialog content. = "myContent";
Apply custom styles to the dialog window. = "value";
Possible options to customize the dialog window.
- icon: dialog icon
- minimize_icon: minimize icon
- maximize_icon: maximize icon
- normalsize_icon: normalize icon
- close_icon: close icon
- size: the size of the dialog (default: {width: 200, height: 150})
- position: the position of the dialog (default: center of the parent)
- selected: if is selected or not
- min_size: min size (default: {width: 200, height: 150})
- max_size: max size(default: {})
- events: the events for the dialog
- bar_visible: shows top bar
- resizable: if is resizable
- movable: if is movable
- maximizable: if is maxmimizable
- minimizable: if is minimizable
- always_on_top: always on the top of screen
- container: container element (default: document.body)
- window_state : the state of the window: SHOWN, MINIMIZED, HIDDEN (default: SHOWN)
- close_action: the action to perform on close: Window.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE Window.HIDE_ON_CLOSE Window.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE (default: Window.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
API methods.
// reloads the modal win.reload(); // sets the title win.setTitle(title); // gets the current title win.getTitle(); // gets the container win.getContainer(); // changes the options win.changeOption(option, value); // gets the options win.getOptions(); // changes the current state // NORMAL / MAXIMIZED win.changeState(state); // gets the current state win.getState(); // changes the dialog state // HOWN / MINIMIZED / HIDDEN (WindowState) win.changeWindowState(window_state); // gets the current dialog state win.getWindowState(); // normalizes the dialog win.normalSize(); // checks if is normalized win.isNormalSized(); // maximizes the window win.maximize(); // checks if is maximized win.isMaximized(); // toggles between normal size and maximized win.toggleMaximize(); // shows the dialog; // checks if is shown win.isShown(); // minimizes the dialog win.minimize(); // checks if is minimized win.isMinimized(); // hides the dialog win.hide(); // checks if is hidden win.isHidden(); // checks if the window is selected win.isVisible(); // checks if is visible win.isSelected(); // gets the size of the dialog win.getSize(); // gets the position of the dialog win.getPosition(); // event listeners win.on(event, callback); // removes the event listener win.removeOn(event); // resets the dialog win.reset(); // closes the dialog win.close(); // destroy the dialog win.dispose();
Event handlers.
- change_title: Triggered after the title is changed. Parameters: {old_title, new_title}
- reload: Triggered after reloaded
- resize_start: Triggered when starting resizing
- resize_stop: Triggered after the resize is stoped
- resize: Triggered on resize
- move_start: Triggered when starting moving
- move_stop: Triggered after the move is stoped
- move: Triggered on move
- change_state: triggered after the state is changed. Parameters: {old_title, new_title}
- change_window_state: triggered after the window state is changed. Parameters: {old_window_state, new_window_state}
- update_size: Triggered after the window size changes. Parameters: {old_size, new_size}
- update_selected: Triggered after the window selection changes
- select: Triggered after the window is selected
- deselect: Triggere after the window is deselected
- minimize: Triggere after the window is minimized
- normalSize: Triggere after he window is normal-sized
- maximize: Triggere after the window is maximized
- hide: Triggere after the window is hidden
- show: Triggere after the window is shown
- update_position: Triggere after the window position changes. Parameters: {old_position, new_position}
- reset: Triggere after the reset function is invoked
- closing: Triggere after the window is closed; if the callback return false, the window is not closed
- closed: Triggere after the window is closed
- disposing: Triggere before the window is disposing; if the callback return false, the window is not disposed
- disposed: Triggere after the window is disposed
- init: Triggere after window is initialized for the first time
- maximizing: Triggere before the window is maximized; if the callback returns false, the window is not maximized
- minimizing: Triggere before the window is minimized; if the callback return false, the window is not minimized
- Fixed: Setting initial window position no longer works
- Added isSelected function
- Fixed Resize cursor appears outside of bounds of window