Author: | mourner |
Views Total: | 227 views |
Official Page: | Go to website |
Last Update: | July 29, 2024 |
License: | BSD 2-Clause |

Simple heat is a simple and fast heat map visualization library that allows you to draw Html5 canvas-based heat maps with ease.
Basic usage:
Load the needed simpleheat.js library in your document.
<script src="simpleheat.js"></script>
Create an HTML5 canvas element on where you want to render a custom heat map.
<canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="600"></canvas>
prepare your data.
var data = [[38,20,2],[38,690,3],[48,30,1],...];
Data operation.
// set data of [[x, y, value], ...] format; // set max data value (1 by default) heat.max(max); // add a data point heat.add(point); // clear data heat.clear();
Draw the heatmap.
// create a simpleheat object given an id or canvas reference var heat = simpleheat(canvas); // draw the heatmap with optional minimum point opacity (0.05 by default) heat.draw(minOpacity);
Appearance Options.
// set point radius and blur radius (25 and 15 by default) heat.radius(r, r2); // set gradient colors as {<stop>: '<color>'}, e.g. {0.4: 'blue', 0.65: 'lime', 1: 'red'} heat.gradient(grad);
- Add willReadFrequently option when obtaining Canvas2D context
- Fixed demo & download