Author: | CSP02 |
Views Total: | 110 views |
Official Page: | Go to website |
Last Update: | December 23, 2023 |
License: | MIT |

CSPSH is a tiny and easy-to-implement syntax highlighting library that helps developers showcase their code snippets in a nice way.
- Light and Dark modes.
- Copy code snippets with a single click.
- Supports JavaScript, Java, C, C++, Python, and StoryScript.
- 3 built-in themes.
How to use it:
1. Import the CSPSH.
<script src="/path/to/CSPSH.js" type="module"></script>
2. Add your code snippets into a DIV container with the CSS class of CSPSH, specify the language in the lang attribute and select a theme as follows:
<div class="CSPSH" lang="java" name="example" theme="cspsh"> public class SumOfNumbers1 { public static void main(String args[]) { int n1 = 225, n2 = 115, sum; sum = n1 + n2; System.out.println("The sum of numbers is: "+sum); } } </div>
3. Programming languages supported:
<div class="CSPSH" lang="java" name="example"> Java </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="js" name="example"> JavaScript </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="c" name="example"> C </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="cpp" name="example"> C++ </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="sts" name="example"> storyscript </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="sts" name="example"> storyscript </div>
4. Available themes.
<div class="CSPSH" lang="java" name="example" theme="cspsh"> Java </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="js" name="example" theme="monokai"> JavaScript </div> <div class="CSPSH" lang="py" name="example" theme="drakula"> Python </div>
5. To enable dark mode, just add the dark
Class to the DIV container.
<div class="CSPSH dark" lang="java" name="example" theme="cspsh"> Java </div>
6. Enable simple mode.
<div class="CSPSH dark" lang="java" name="example" theme="cspsh" mode="simple"> Java </div>
- Updated theme switchers
v5.1.1 (07/14/2023)
- Bugfix
v5.1.0 (07/09/2023)
- Added simple mode
- Added multiple file multi-line highlight
- Fixed known bugs
v5.0.0 (06/25/2023)
- Added python support
- optimised code
- changed the cspsh color palette
v4.0.1 (08/15/2022)
- Improvements and bug fixes,
- Changed the tag from span to cspsh custom tag.
v4.0.0 (08/06/2022)
- Tabs system where you can embed two or more code into a single wrapper.
- Line-highlight where you can highlight a specific line.
- Fixed most of the bugs and optimised whole code, optimised CSS, and removed most of the unwanted code in JS files.
v3.5.7 (07/22/2022)
- Bugfix
v3.5.7 (07/21/2022)
- Added Theme switcher, line counter, Transitions
v2.5.7 (06/03/2022)
- Hotfix
v2.5.6 (05/22/2022)
- Hotfix
v2.5.5 (05/15/2022)
- Hotfix
v2.4.5 (05/11/2022)
- Hotfix
v2.4.4 (05/10/2022)
- Line count shows how many lines a code is in the left side bar.
- Hotfix