Hierarchical Tree With Radio Buttons – ninotree

Category: Javascript | August 14, 2021
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Last Update:August 14, 2021


Hierarchical Tree With Radio Buttons – ninotree


ninotree is a super tiny JavaScript treeview UI library that dynamically renders a hierarchical tree from JavaScript arrays & objects.

There is a radio button displayed at the beginning of each of the tree nodes, which enables you to handle node selection just like in a form.

How to use it:

1. The library requires Bootstrap and Font Awesome for better UI.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/fontawesome.min.css" />

2. Load the stylesheet ninotree.css and JavaScript ninotree.js in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ninotree.css" />
<script src="ninotree.js"></script>

3. Create a container to hold the tree.

<div id='tree'></div>

4. Override the default tree data.

data: [
      id: 1,
      name: 'A',
      selected: false,
      childs: [
              id: 5,
              name: 'A-1',
              selected: true,
              childs: []
              id: 6,
              name: 'A-2',
              selected: false,
              childs: [
                      id: 7,
                      name: 'A2-1',
                      selected: false,
                      childs: []
              id: 8,
              name: 'A-3',
              selected: false,
              childs: []
      id: 2,
      name: 'B',
      selected: false,
      childs: [
              id: 3,
              name: 'B-1',
              selected: false,
              childs: []
              id: 4,
              name: 'B-2',
              selected: false,
              childs: []

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