Author: | lorenzofox3 |
Views Total: | 2,581 views |
Official Page: | Go to website |
Last Update: | August 1, 2018 |
License: | MIT |

lrStickyHeader is an easy and lightweight JavaScript library that makes you table’s thead
stick to the top of the webpage when scrolling down.
Basic usage:
Download and include the lrStickyHeader.js script on the webpage.
<script src="lrStickyHeader.js"></script>
Stick the header of a specific table to the top as you scroll down the page.
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table'); lrStickyHeader(tables);
This will add a class ‘lr-sticky-header’ to the table’s header so that it can be styled whatever you like in the CSS.
.lr-sticky-header { color: white; background: #C0392B; transition: all 0.6s; }
- Fixes putting thead back in scrollable panel
Thanks for sharing this awesome code.I have done little modification in this code as per my requirement i added 5 html table, it’s working fine in (LINIX)Ubuntu systems. but when i test this on windows system ,then last table header is not scroll up it’s back down when reached at window top. please help me.