Author: | itsalb3rt |
Views Total: | 18,442 views |
Official Page: | Go to website |
Last Update: | January 15, 2019 |
License: | MIT |

Ligne PaginateJs is a vanilla JavaScript plugin to create pagination and filter controls for large HTML tables. Without any frameworks and dependencies.
How to use it:
Load the Ligne PaginateJs’ JavaScript and CSS files.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/paginate.css"> <script src="js/paginate.js"></script>
Create a search field to filter through the tabular data.
<input type="search" id="searchBox" placeholder="Filter...">
Set the pagination & filter options as follows:
let options = { numberPerPage:10, constNumberPerPage:10, numberOfPages:0, goBar:false, pageCounter:true, hasPagination:true, }; let filterOptions = { el:'#searchBox' };
Initialize the Ligne PaginateJs on the HTML table. Done.
Its not getting the table element. Console error shows : “Element myTableName no exits”
I tried id=”myTableName” ..and also class = “myTableName”
But settings.table is always NULL
What could be the issue?
if you want to identify TABLE element by id, add “#” in front of the id value when calling init function. For example paginate.init(‘#tableid’,options,filterOptions);
add “#” into js calling init function to identify element by its id.
Amazingly fast, lightweight, feature rich, customizable, and easy-to-use thanks!
how can i alter the code in a way, when i try searching for a keyword, the table header always be visible, I dont want the Table head to disapear based on my search.
I’ve achived table header permanently visible by:
Adding tag with ID around elements/rows, which were not header and then using that body_id in init function.
in JS:
On pageload it is working fine, but after adding the row items to the table pagination is not working
I can’t figure out how to get a response value when I click on a line (for instance the index oft hat line).