Create iOS-Style Popups & Notifications With Popup JS Library
A JavaScript library that creates iOS-style bottom sheets, alert/confirmation/prompt dialogs, toast messages, and notification bars on your website.
A JavaScript library that creates iOS-style bottom sheets, alert/confirmation/prompt dialogs, toast messages, and notification bars on your website.
A lightweight notification bar library that can be used to minimal clean alert/error/warning/success messages to your users.
A lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript library for creating toast-like non-blocking notification bars on the web.
The notify.js JavaScript library lets you create responsive, stackable, dismissable notification bars with sounds support.
native-toast is a native JavaScript library which lets you display Android/Material style toast messages and notification bars on the web applications.
dom-notifications is a notification bar component which lets you create and display Atom-style stackable info/success/warning/error notification messages on the screen.
A dead simple JavaScript library to display stackable top notification bars without any dependencies.
jackbox.js is a lightweight JavaScript library used to display a variety of notification bars that will auto dismiss with inner countdown indicators.