Easy Clean Tag & Hashtag Input In Vanilla JavaScript – Taggier

Category: Form , Javascript | December 1, 2020
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Last Update:December 1, 2020


Easy Clean Tag & Hashtag Input In Vanilla JavaScript – Taggier


Taggier is a modern (ES6) JavaScript library for handling input of tags or hashtags in an easy way.

Users can type the text and press comma , to add tags or hashtags to the input field.

How to use it:

1. Install and import the Taggier.

$ npm i Taggier --save
import Taggier from 'Taggier';
// or
import Taggier from './taggier.js';

2. Create a container to hold the tag input.

<div id="taggier"></div>

3. Initialize the Taggier on the container element and done.

const taggier = new Taggier('taggier');

4. Stylize the tags with your own CSS.

.tag {
  background-color: #5A67D8;
  padding: 8px 16px;
  cursor: pointer;
  border-radius: 5px;
  color: #fff;
.tag:hover {
  filter: brightness(95%);
  transition: all .1s ease;
.tag::after {
  content: ' \00d7';
.tag:hover::after {
  color: #F7FAFC;

5. Get the tags you just typed.

taggier.tags.forEach(tag => {
  // ...
// or

6. Specify the space between tags. Default: 16.

const taggier = new Taggier('taggier',{
      gap: 20

7. Add # to each tag. Ideal for hashtags.

const taggier = new Taggier('taggier',{
      hashtag: true

8. Customize the border of the tag input. Setting to false will hide the border.

const taggier = new Taggier('taggier',{
      border: false

9. Determine whether to disable certain characters using Regex. Setting to false will disable the feature.

const taggier = new Taggier('taggier',{
      forbiddenPattern: '/[^\w]+/g'

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