Easy Family Tree & Organization Chart Generator – treeData.js

Category: Chart & Graph , Javascript | March 14, 2023
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Last Update:March 14, 2023


Easy Family Tree & Organization Chart Generator – treeData.js


treeData.js is a simple-to-use JavaScript tree plugin to generate complex trees from hierarchical data.

It provides a simple solution for developers to create interactive family trees, organization charts, and other tree-like diagrams.

How to use it:

1. To get started, include the JavaScript treeData.js and stylesheet treeData.min.css on the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/treeData.min.css" />
<script src="js/treeData.js"></script>

2. Create an empty DIV container for the tree structure.

<div id="tree"></div>

3. Prepare your hierarchical data in JS objects as follows:

var treeData = {
     zelda : {value : "Zelda Timeline", parent : ""},
     a : {value : "Skyward Sword", parent : "zelda"},
     b : {value : "The Minish Cap", parent : "a"},
     c : {value : "Four Swords", parent : "b"},
     d : {value : "Ocarina of Time", parent : "c"},
     e : {value : "A link to Past", parent : "d"},
     f : {value : "Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages", parent : "e"},
     g : {value : "Link's Awakening", parent : "f"},
     h : {value : "The Legend of Zelda", parent : "g"},
     i : {value : "Adventure of Link", parent : "h"},
     j : {value : "Majora's Mask", parent : "d"},
     k : {value : "Twilight Princess", parent : "j"},
     l : {value : "Four Swords", parent : "k"},
     m : {value : "The Wind Waker", parent : "d"},
     n : {value : "Phanthom Hourglass", parent : "m"},
     o : {value : "Spirit Tracks", parent : "n"}

4. Generate a tree from the data you provide.

TreeData(tree, "#tree");



  • Node IDs Longer Than One Character Do Not Work

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